Here’s the Scoop: How to Maximize Your Chances of Winning a Kindle Fire from BookGorilla and KND

61EZr4mYcYL._SL1000_Have you heard?

BookGorilla is giving away a Kindle Fire tablet each and every day this year. We want to do everything we can to maximize chances for our regular subscribers and readers to win these very cool Amazon devices, so here are a few tips, followed by a link to today’s giveaway sweepstakes:

  1. Each day’s Kindle Fire giveaway will have a distinct entry link or URL, and you won’t be able to enter unless you have that link. Occasionally we will put these links on Twitter or Facebook, and occasionally we will allow sharing of these links with friends and other online acquaintances, but the only place where you will be able to find the entry link every single day will be in our daily BookGorilla alerts via email or the BookGorilla alert app.
  2. Therefore, the first thing to do to make absolutely sure you are able to enter every day is to make sure you are signed up for a FREE BookGorilla subscription, via the BookGorilla email alert or the BookGorilla app alert. We never provide the entry link to anyone until 9:30 a.m. Eastern time for each day’s giveaway, when the BookGorilla alert goes out. You should see the alert in your inbox or app notifications soon thereafter, so that you can enter right away. (Please note that when we say 9:30 am we mean 9:30 Eastern, 6:30 Pacific, etc.)
  3. Once you have the entry link for a given day, it just takes a few seconds to enter that day’s sweepstakes, and the only other requirement for entry is that you follow BookGorilla on Twitter, which is incredibly quick, easy, and free.

That’s it. We wish you good luck, and, oh yes … here’s the link to today’s Sweepstakes (January 29, 2016, and it may well last into the weekend):

Oh, finally, we should tell you this. About 85% of the time, the daily sweepstakes will be based on a random number, chosen by AmazonGiveaways, so that the winner could be anyone from the very first entry on a given day to the 4999th entry, or anywhere in between, depending on the number of entries we establish as the maximum. The other 15% of the time, like today, we will establish a lucky number and the prize will be awarded to the entry that matches that lucky number, such as the 1999th entry or, today, the 7777th entry.

Good luck!



19 thoughts on “Here’s the Scoop: How to Maximize Your Chances of Winning a Kindle Fire from BookGorilla and KND

  1. I love my Kindle!!!! But a free tablet now that would be great.. You see I’m one of those pepole that has never one anything in my 53 years.. So winning well would be momentous !!!

  2. Thank you for an exciting give away! I love e books but, i lost my ear buds! Soon ax I find them or get another pair, I’ll be tuning in! Or should I say, listening! I ♡ book gorilla.

  3. I enter everyday. I hope I get to win one. I even take advantage of your free books or low priced books. thanks for all the books.

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